Friday, June 29, 2007

Day5 Shutdown Power Off

This week has been great fun. I have learned SOOOOOOOOO much! My game has made progress. Oliver's changes have made the creation element move much faster!! This has been a terrific learning experience! I can't wait to work on it further.

6/29/07 PM

pports and benefits ro your participation in this project?
Lee County Schools and West Lee Middle School administrative team support our participation in this project. The students at West Lee will benefit directly from the sotware we develop as well as the students of other teachers involved in the project.
What other technology do you wish you could use or have support for?
I wish for a computer available for each student in the class.

Day 5 AM 6/29/07

How do you see this game as a tool for connecting with your students. This game, once created, will provide a link to student interest and engagement and offer another point of mutual interest from which to connect.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shutdown-PowerOFF! 6/28

Today... I learned the critical importance of frequent savs as I watched my world disappear in a resounding crash. Progress is ephemeral without the save feature!
I also learned to effectively manipulate objects in 3 dimensions after placing them and then to teleport objects and players in a created world today. Hoping to have something to actually "show" by tomorrow afternoon.

Day4 PM

Question --

6/28/07 AM

What do you do well when connecting with your students?
I connect with my students through providing a safe and caring environment where they can be successful with skills they need to learn.I learn about their interests and aspirations and encourage them to set goals for themselves. I offer "lunchbunch" for those who would like extra help during lunch and I give out my phone numbers and email address to students and parents to provide resource connections. I also find occasion to make home visits throughout the year.
Do you have any concerns about connecting with your students?
Connecting with students through the caring teacher role engenders a mutual respect that is necessary for genuine connection.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

6/27/07 Shut Down Power Off

Today was an eye-opener! I am speechless. I have crossed the threshold, though. Explored the whys of educational game design as a part of a societal paradigm makes sense. The difference in level of enggement when technology is included in the classroom is like switching on a light vs. the dark room. Today I have explored lots of sound files and positioning objects and am filling my design "closet" with tools. What will tomorrow bring?